David Sylvester
Principal Solicitor & Managing Director

David specialises in liquor licensing and related regulatory law.

David’s qualifications include a Juris Doctor of Law (Hons), Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice and a Diploma in Criminology. During his law studies, David was awarded first place in the subject Miscarriages of Justice. In 2004, David also completed Guidance Software’s Encase Intermediate Computer Forensics Examiners Course.

David can be contacted via mobile 0451 773557 or via email david@sylvesterbrowne.com.au

Stuart Browne

Stuart possesses a wealth of experience in Pub/Hotel operations and provides consultative advice to clients in the liquor industry.

Mobile: 0451 773557
PO Box 353, Neutral Bay Junction NSW 2089 enquiry@sylvesterbrowne.com.au

Sylvester & Browne Lawyers is a division of Sylvester Browne & Associates Pty Ltd ACN 147 091 996 Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. Legal practitioners employed by Sylvester & Browne Lawyers are members of the scheme.